'A Pack for Everything' versus 'Minimalism to Save Weight and Lower Body Heat'

This of course is an obvious one. The trick is figuring out what size is best for you. Regarding brands, I have always been very happy with Sojourner's packs. I have not tried out many of the newcomer hydration packs like Gen Z, Lunchbox, or RaveRunner yet.

I have moved on to a philosophy of a minimalist rave ninja; moving freely with as little weight as possible which means you are doing a big favor for your feet, burning far fewer calories, keeping your body temperature lower, and boosting your energy in the process.

Many years later in my rave career, I know how much water I am going to need over a period of sets or for a certain artist's set and how close to the front or on the rail that can impact how much water you may need for it.

The consumption of water is partly due to the extra heat being generated from your back that is insulated by your backpack, and therefore, accelerating dehydration. For certain raves and music festivals getting a locker is essential especially when the weather can be cold.

I currently have moved from using a hydration pack to a small front chest pack with some customizations to it. From a water standpoint, I got creative and bought a super lightweight collapsible water pouch that holds 20 ounces. For ease of filling, I have a collapsible funnel that weights nothing. Second, I now can place my cell phone directly inside the pouch on my chest. It isn't going anywhere and the phone is in a stable position for jumping and dancing around.

Ravers Naturals Aromatherapy Inhalers - When and Why

I'm going to walk you through a few of the reasons how and why Ravers Naturals aromatherapy inhalers are used at music festivals, at raves, in night clubs, and at concerts. They are part of your festival toolbox that activate your 5th Sense and can resolve festival situations that I will explain. Some ravers call it "gum for your nose". They are just as important as your gum and water because your Sense of Smell is very powerful, in fact, smells are associated with your most intense memories often time.

When you activate your 5th Sense at the Festival then you will now complete the entire spectrum of your sensory experience.

Here is the list of Uses and Examples that we'll go over:

1) Personal Break, Feeling Overstimulated, Out of Breath, or Claustrophobic

2) Smelly Smells!

3) Happy Vibes with Space to Dance  

4) Dubstep Bass Madness

5) The Long Walk to Car, Camp, or a Stage

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1) Feeling Overstimulated, Out of Breath, or Claustrophobic

Music festivals are really a physical and mental endurance test - the best test on planet Earth there is. Raves, on the other hand, is an exploration of the mind, the body, your friendships, your relationship with your partner, and most importantly - your own soul. (Listen to Cosmic Gate's track 'Emotions of Colour' in the car - loud).

You may find yourself or that of a friend suddenly become overwhelmed or overstimulated from a sensory overload from the music, the visuals, and an extremely packed crowd - everyone has been there. When this happens the first thing you do instinctually is to take a deep breath. The next thing you do is drink water or ask for someone to give you some. You then assess if the anxiety or intensity is still present or it went down a notch or 2. This is when Ravers Naturals 'Let Me Love Eucalyptus' will be there for you - to not only help you focus on that deep breath - but also to force your brain to zone out for a millisecond because of the power of the Sense of Smell. This can help with equalizing your inner sense of safety and bring you "back into the rave" mentally.

This exercise will lend itself to trusting yourself to:

1) Take care of yourself, and

2) You know that you have a system in place to "save you" when you are:

A) Overstimulated from the music, visuals, lights, the energy - intense in a good way but you need a quick mental break

B) Out of breath because you are - in a way - holding your breath due to all the excitement

C) Feeling claustrophobic because you cannot move an inch and starting to feel anxious

D) You are overcome with euphoria and having an existential life crisis because you have never experienced happiness amplified on this level and as happy as you are - you are kind of freaking out. This moment has made you rethink how you see yourself on planet Earth and what your purpose is supposed to be. You need a short break friend and breathe. You are having a life changing experience. Breathe, cry, and dance yourself clean. This is a moment when I would use our 'Tropical House' aroma.

2) Smelly Smells!

The use of aromatherapy in rave culture has existed since the beginning. From the underground to warehouse raves, the combination of the heat, sweat, varied types of smoke, and sometimes the lack of ventilation creates a smelly environment not to mention the dreaded porta-potties topic. Thus, the use of our aromatherapy inhaler sticks really saves you in those foul smell situations. Simply stick the inhaler tube up your nose and go about your dancing or for your visit to the bathrooms or the porta-pottie. When you try all of our Aromas from our Collection of 8 - you will find your favorite to use for these foul smell situations and you may only use that Aroma for them which is perfectly fine. It is a tool!

We recommend: 'Berry Not Butter', Ghosts 'n' Mango, or 'Better Not Blood Orange' for the porta-potties. Of course - 'Let Me Love Eucalyptus' is a universal favorite BUT the idea here is to train your brain to use these aroma's for specific rave needs. Don't let your brain associate the porta-potties with 'Let Me Love Eucalyptus'. Does that make sense? This is why we designed the collection to allow you to hone in on those 3 or 4 that are used specifically for these individual situations.

3) The Vibes are House Music, Big Room, Melodic Dubstep, or Uplifting Progressive Trance

Our Collection of Fruity Inhalers give a sense of relaxation and happy dance vibes. Perhaps, the crowd is not so packed and you have room to move. This is when that fruity aroma favorite of yours comes out. 'Tropical House', is my favorite. It transports me every time. I feel like I'm on a tropical beach and in the rave watching one of my favorite artists at that same time. It's incredible.

4) For All the Headbangers, Rail Riders, and Dubstep Wook Machines

'Better Not Blood Orange' is made for you. Just ask our rave influencer Jarren Ellis and he'll tell you that the blood orange citrus zest is an energy feeling boost and clears the mind in a different way than how our 'Let Me Love Eucalyptus' does. Again, different aromas, for different situations and vibes. The citrus zest is strong enough that it some how matches the intensity of going feral at Svdden Death, Sullivan King, Excision, Wooli, or our two favorites...Virtual Riot and Subtronics. 'Better Not Blood Orange' can match their power and you will love it for these artists drops.

5) Those Long Walks to the Car, Your Campsite, the Porta-potties, or Across the Entire Festival

Everyone knows long walks are part of music festivals. What can make them more bearable is using our 'Better Not Blood Orange' zesty citrus for a burst of energy feelings or we recommend 'Starlight Vanilla' for these long walks. Just hold up to your nose as you walk and your brain will say to yourself, "Wow this is really nice, I love this distraction as we walk...I can zone out now and think about whatever I want."  If you are feeling tired, it will distract those thoughts or at least lessen them. The brain and nose have a very special relationship.

Yes, some might say chewing gum or eating candy can work similar but most often you don't want something in your mouth while you are walking and will get bumped into.

The versatility of Our Collection is truly special.  

Our Advice on Festival Claustrophobia

Some advice here in this situation is: it is time to take a break outside of the crowd, however, if you immediately start to move you could freak out. You need to mentally prepare yourself first - drink water and then psych yourself up because you are going to be "ok" and you are about to leave. If you know you are seeing a set that is going to be insanely packed and you can get claustrophobic then I recommend staying closer to the side of where the VIP rail is because that side is a traffic channel. Also, if you need to exit quickly do not go against the crowd - meaning - move sideways facing the stage because everyone's shoulders are parallel and believe it or not there are invisible rows behind the backs of all those ravers. It is easier to let someone pass going sideways out then it is going through them. However, the fastest way out against the crowd is to lower down and point your head through the hole between people's waists. Lastly, remember this, listen and stay connected to the music - smile and keep partying - because people will be much cooler to you because "they have to" when someone is radiating love and positivity. This of course is not always easy but always listen to your inner voice and exit if you are not feeling it.

I speak from experience referencing back to my first raves when I was inside the most insanely packed crowds inside Insomniac Events' mega-structure at The NOS in San Bernardino - the training ground for ninja raver warriors.

Squad Goals Beauty - Hair Braids and Beauty Bar Services

For the ladies, we are huge fans of the festival braids made by Squad Goals Beauty. The quality, colors, and innovation of their rave festival braids are phenomenal. Additionally, they have an incredible "day-of-festival" for putting your entire hair, makeup, and accessories look together by their Glam Squad. Check them out. Our Collection of Festival Aromatherapy inhalers are now sold in their Southern California retail stores.

Ear Plugs

You will want to have those ears for your entire life so protect them. I take them out of course for certain sets or insane drops but I am at the rail a lot so you need good ones. I have tried Eargasm Earplugs, dBud 2.0 earplugs (higher price point), and the top-end expensive Soundbrenner earplugs which fell apart after 4 festivals. After the Soundbrenner's came unglued and was not possible to fix, I went back to the dBud 2.0 (I had the v1 in 2019) and they do the job well with the sliders and fit well. They are not great for the low end bass frequencies but none really are while also blocking out 25 decibels.


A fan is a key item. I never ever leave home without one for concerts or club shows. My go to fans are the cool designs made by Liquid Dreams brand. The fans themselves are very sturdy and the textile stands up to dozens of festivals. They always let you in with them. You will make a lot of friends as well when you cool them off. Please don't obsessively fan clack because it ruins the music for the people around you and it is also not the vibe...or everyone else would be doing it. PLUR.

Festival Phone Theft Protection

There are a variety of retractable phone cases you can find like a ClutchLoop who has done a great job on testing their product and creating fun limited edition versions. There are also cases that have attachable straps so it hangs in front of your mid-section and is adjustable. Due to the prevalence of festival phone theft, there are now backpacks with pockets that are in a pocket on the front strap or compartments that are harder to get to. The key here is to make sure you have adequate iCloud storage backing up your content and you use an alphanumeric passcode.

Sunglasses and Refractor Glasses

Sunglasses for sure are a key item. My go to our my custom designed Oakley Frogskins Sunglasses. I just love this iconic design and you can make custom Frogskins that totally match your vibe as a raver. Many people may substitute a pashmina for sunglasses or both. These are both for moments of privacy, the intensity of the elements, and the bright lights.

Refractor Glasses or Refractor Goggles - for me I go with the lighter weight option always. I tried a number of GlowFx and for me I like the medium size hearts glasses with a medium level of refraction.

Battery Charger and/or Your Charger Cord

Use airplane mode when you can because it will save major battery life. A phone charger is heavy and really only necessary if your phone's battery life is an issue or you are filming lots of content. Lockers are a good bet for charging and they have a cord built in but always bring your own cord for an emergency.

A Wallet is Heavy

You don't need to bring all those cards and a heavy wallet. Simply get a card size thick ply plastic ziplock bag. Put your license and required cards in; you just saved a bunch of weight.

Spray Bottle

If it is hot out, a spray bottle can be a luxury item to remember. The one's with the fan will add more weight to your bag so it's not necessary. A clear simple one from Target is all you need.

Sealed Lip Balm and Gum 

Lip Balm and Gum are obvious. The gum is really great to offer everyone around you before the set is about to begin. Make friends with everyone and the first drop will be even more intense. Pro tip.

Gummie Candy and Protein Bar

Gummy candy like Swedish Fish or Sour Patch Kids are a luxury item to have on you or Jolly Ranchers. Not always easy to get in but sometimes not an issue. I would also recommend your favorite protein bar but this one you'll have to sneak in LOL.

A protein bar can really be a lifesaver because if you are like me; eating is not a priority at the festival. I am on to the next set from 7pm on with no breaks. So eat early is my recommendation so your stomach can settle and if you need a bathroom break then you have gotten that over with. Later on while you are walking to the next set that protein bar can make all the difference for an energy boost or for when you are walking back to the car while you enjoy our 'Better Not Blood Orange' inhaler!

Gifts and Kandi

Bring small gifts for someone: you turn to randomly, someone who is sitting down and overwhelmed or processing - the act of kindness can help get them out of their head and know that a random stranger recognizes them even outside of their friends (or they may be perfectly fine and that is awesome), someone who compliments you; any and all reasons to spread PLUR! There are all kinds of ideas from finger puppets, to rubber duckies, to squishies, clip-on sprouts are now a thing.

Kandi and Perlers - sharing and giving Kandi, ie. PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, Respect) is unique to raves and having some to give will really make you feel more connected to the entire experience. Perlers are the beaded designs that ravers make in honor of their favorite artists or for rave humor. These perlers someday will be gifted or at every festival. Just depends on what happens!

Flow Arts - Flow Toys

Flow arts are a unique art form that originally was associated with simple green glow sticks that ravers made shapes with as they danced. This evolved into "gloving" as it's referenced with LED's in the tips of the gloves on each finger.

Burning Man and the use of spinning fire in combination with dance also made flow arts become more popular.

Today, the flow arts are more synonymous with music festivals and span so many different objects and movements.

Here is a list of very popular flow art objects or toys:

1) LED Gloves

2) Orbiters

3) Poi,

4) Hula hoops with LED's,

5) Pixel whips (fiber optic whips)

6) Contact staff,

7) Levitation wands

8) Contact balls,

9) Buugeng aka S-Staff

10) A newcomer favorite: Spinstar,

11) Silk fans

12) Rope dart

13) Sunwheel

Hand Warmers

I use 2 of the single-use HotHands brand (larger size). These are truly amazing to have for the festival season starting in October.  I do not recommend the USB plastic charging ones because they are bulky, add weight, and don't hold charge long.

Rain Slicker Poncho

Check the weather and just keep them in your trunk. It really sucks being soaked in temperatures below 65 degrees. I forgot my poncho for Countdown NYE 2023 (Day 2 flooded NOS!) and it was below 60 degrees.

Emergency Thermal Blanket (Reflective Space Blanket)

This is really great for the walk back to the car but in particular for girls (guys, or they) who have a lot of skin exposure from their rave fit.

Walkie Talkies Devices - Not Needed

Walkie Talkies are unnecessary and it is not what the vibe is about. If you have a large group then get creative and make a totem. Otherwise, be smart and strategic about your meeting spots and leave plenty of time to get there on time. If you want to bring walkie talkies to Coachella Music Festival - then go for it but leave them at home when going to a rave.

Rave Totem for Festival

Totems are pivotal to keeping large groups together and allow for friends to split off and see other artists at the festival with no issue later on finding their group. I have seen dozens of totems that made me smile with their witty humor or their love for their favorite artist. I am not a fan of the large LED ticker based totems. The more DIY the better and the more love you will get. However, I will say that Hello! Totem is a good option for a quick solution to keep your group together but I have not tested these out yet.

Totems are an essential part of the rave vibes and credit goes to Pasquale Rotella, CEO and Founder of Insomniac Events, for both allowing and encouraging them as part of our rave culture. The sea of vibes created by the totems at EDC Las Vegas and EDC Orlando are truly like no other; no other festival events Company allows them except Pasquale Rotella, the Willy Wonka of Raves.

Additional Small Items

Lubricant eye drops in case you get something in your eye or irritation, Band-Aids, extra contact lenses, spare pair of glasses in case you have to take your contacts out, a small hand sanitizer, hair tie, and any feminine care products.


1) Water

2) Snacks - protein bar in particular, we like Barebells Protein Bars

3) Banana - your body will love you for this potassium and the lactic acid in your legs

4) Comfortable Hoodie

5) Sweatpants

6) Change of shoes

7) Fresh pair of socks

8) Towel

9) Advil

10) Massager

If you got this far, then you deserve a discount for your first order! Use: "ESSENTIALS" at checkout and we'll get your order out ASAP plus you'll be entered to win in our Current Giveaway for customer loyalty. Cheers!



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