Fan Clackers

Warning: I am poking fun at this part of rave culture. If you are easily offended by those who find people who fan clack at festivals annoying and rude, then skip this blog post!

Ok let’s get down to it rave fam. First, you have to define the problem and why at a rave it is not ok to fan clack! Let’s go!

The premise is that because it is so loud and blows out the music for everyone else within a 12 feet radius it is obvious that the clacker knows this and it is actually purely out of a need for attention and to make it all about them. 

This is undoubtedly the fork in the road where the clacker controversy becomes both personal and political.

Personal because clackers claim they are the victim.  They are of course just trying to have fun. They are just fucked up and don't even realize they are doing it.  “They don't do it loudly.” Or when they do it, it is only for a second not at every build, drop, or breakdown.  Or they simply don't care if it ruins the music for anyone else because they are miserable outside of the rave and want everyone else to be miserable to.   You should buy a fan and do it also ok! Try it folks. You might just like it.  

Political because those rushing to their defense are here to make sure there is a safe space for clackers. Because if clackers get banned then maybe they could be next! It's not about you pal! It's about PLUR; no matter what noises blow out the music.  The other defense is to move. Clackers have right away because they add to the entire festival experience. 

So what is one to do about this scandal. Well, I put it to a poll at Project Glow Festival, in the most political place in the World, Washington D.C.! Here is what the people had to say about it. 

So some of these people were being honest (ban them) and the others were cutting the clackers a break for the sake of PLUR. Very admirable. But a time out is a time out. One could say that if you are put into time out 3 times then it's either you or the fan friend. 

Now. Being only fair. Let's take a look again at the actual act of the clack itself. The why. The gratification of a clack. 

Let me make a confession. Don't tell anyone.  Last fall when "we were back" post pandemic for us ravers and festival goers.  I clacked.  I know it's embarrassing to admit but I had to try and understand this psychosis. I had to try to indulge and feel what the culture of clacking is or could be all about.   Was I missing out here? We were all just back so I figured I could get away with it. Everyone was so happy that no one cared about the clackers. They were just as happy as the ravers who came to hear the music as intended without that horrid sound. Thus, the prevailing attitude was let them eat cake and clack forth to your full fan's fruition.  

What I learned and experienced was surprising. The very first time I fan clacked it felt like I had just gotten away with doing something bad.  I felt a rush of dopamine as I figured out that the fan was now clacking in the right direction and extremely loudly. Hey it wasn't a set I had any emotional investment in so who cares!  So this went on for about once or twice MAXIMUM per set until I felt like I got enough data. I forced myself to do it even after the clack “high” wore off. What I learned is that making noise at a festival (by way of a device) makes you feel like you are present and making a contribution to the artists set because let's face it the fan can be a percussion instrument. More cow bell? More fan clack!

Emphasizing the 4 on the floor kick drum is euphoric. It's euphoric to hear that shitty sound if you are musically challenged at the build or drop.  But maybe also you are just bored dare I say, maybe you are trying to pass time with your fidget spinner clacking device because is it really a fan anymore? No, me thinks it's a tuning fork that everyone else gets to confirm that the music is indeed really beautiful live and over a massive festival system.  In summary, clacking is not just fun but a fun way to pass time when you are waiting for your favorite set of the night.  However, in the end, I learned just how stupid and ridiculous clacking really is.  Hey, I gave it a real chance people!

So what is one to do? We think that like with anything in groups, peer pressure is the way to go here. It takes a lot of confidence to scold a clacker but it must be done. Communication is the key! Explain that, you can't fucking hear the music when you do that! And see how they react, see how they process it because to them they can't hear it either so it's going to blow their mind. Like a child, they do things because they feel good not because they care about anyone else around them or how to be respectful of the collective experience like on an airplane or at a restaurant.  

Therefore, we have to collectively save the music and more specifically our drops. Otherwise, the younger generations could fall victim to becoming a fan clacker.

So rise up ravers and SAVE THE DROP! 

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